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233 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 10 Seiten
Do 14. Jan 2016 16:54:29 +0100
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Di 12. Jan 2016 01:41:38 +0100
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Mo 04. Jan 2016 07:44:09 +0100
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Mo 04. Jan 2016 07:26:32 +0100
https://vine.co/v/ib5PVIl1535 :-|
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Sa 12. Dez 2015 14:17:32 +0100
war sie ihm nicht too old? :tock
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Di 08. Dez 2015 17:59:47 +0100
:tock ich auch schon seit tagen. bin durch jade empire voll aufm trip. :Augly
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Mo 07. Dez 2015 19:53:57 +0100
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Fr 04. Dez 2015 18:18:38 +0100
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Do 03. Dez 2015 14:25:12 +0100
Ich bin irgendwie gerade voll gut dabei :) Bin fertig mit der Pc Arbeit, deshalb nicht mehr so oft Online :/
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Di 01. Dez 2015 19:16:04 +0100
Inge, du hast Waldaugen. :appel
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Di 01. Dez 2015 17:16:03 +0100
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So 29. Nov 2015 01:57:11 +0100
[img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/4e3dd5b5640c622a32318d7395417dbe/tumblr_nyixszDlhO1s2zx0lo1_250.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6cwz4ll.gif[/img] :uablach
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Do 26. Nov 2015 10:42:28 +0100
http://imgur.com/gallery/KDKjA :cry:
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Di 24. Nov 2015 01:31:12 +0100
[img]http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr05/2013/5/31/13/enhanced-buzz-14856-1370020773-25.jpg[/img] :tugly :uablach
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So 22. Nov 2015 22:53:26 +0100
https://youtu.be/4VkhMn3acPE Die machen da Cheddar rein. :Eugly
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Fr 20. Nov 2015 21:10:31 +0100
Without war (Aries) would we know what peace (Libra) was? You can’t have psychology (Sagittarius) without the mind (Gemini) You can’t have true sexual intimacy (Scorpio) without value (Taurus) You can’t make ‘humanity’ (Aquarius) without an “I” (Leo) You can’t have deep wisdom (Pisces) without sacrifice (Virgo) You can’t come home (Cancer) without being amongst the world (Capricorn) #sister signs :lsugly
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Fr 20. Nov 2015 21:03:10 +0100
Inge, das Bild erinnert mich voll an das Städtchen im Film "Nosferatu"... :para Der von 1979.
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Mo 16. Nov 2015 11:27:47 +0100
Oh Gott, Inge :uritz :emo
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Mo 16. Nov 2015 00:33:40 +0100
http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/g3/casanova.htm :kiss :augly
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So 15. Nov 2015 13:10:41 +0100
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So 15. Nov 2015 08:21:18 +0100
[img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/9490b79e3cf6d95103113726229beba1/tumblr_n8u4ayUSiJ1r2bzz4o1_540.png[/img] [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/4e23b7f6bbadd0f926567c383ab66533/tumblr_n8u4ayUSiJ1r2bzz4o2_540.png[/img] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/0ffcc6841736aece91e545579a8ff74d/tumblr_n8u4ayUSiJ1r2bzz4o3_540.png[/img] :uablach
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So 15. Nov 2015 08:13:20 +0100
Inge :epicwin: ------------------------------- How To Guess Someone’s Sign (based on appearance) ARIES: Has a well formed. angular bone structure and an admirable jawline Eyebrows are arched and can often be thick The eyes look sharp (though they can really pull off the puppy dog eyes) The nose is prominent Ruddy complexion and sensitive skin Will usually sport an athletic body TAURUS: Big doe eyes EXTREMELY pinchable cheeks Youthful and earthy appearance Usually of average height and build, the face is usually square Their aura is very calming They carry themselves in a very elegant manner GEMINI: Average to just above average height, slender body and long limbs When they smile their cheeks raise and create little balls (so cute) Beautiful long eye lashes Chiseled jaws Sometimes have cleft chins They walk as if on air CANCER: Moon shaped eyes that often look very sad Round face Small noses that turn upwards Women can often have prominent breasts The energy surrounding them is often that of some sort of emotional turmoil LEO: Hair is voluminous, thick and shiny The face shape could be described as that of a lion Usually slim as they like to take care of themselves Moves in an elegant manner Teeth are large Appearance stays youthful as they continue to age A warm, nurturing aura Surrounded by an air of confidence and control VIRGO: Fine, elegant features Their eyes show just how grounded they are The mouth is small and sensual The hair is big and well taken care of Tends to appear younger than actually is Graceful body LIBRA: Serene and calm beauty Venusian type of body even if slim they can look plump Glowing skin Hella good hair Heart shaped face Great taste in clothes Gentle aura that demands attention SCORPIO: Prominent nose, can be Roman They have an amazing profile Eyes are sharp and dark even if they’re blue or green, it’s as if they can see all of your darkest secrets (they probably do though) Usually found wearing black If you see them smiling then it’s real Dark silky hair Long fingers SAGITTARIUS: Tall with long limbs Big teeth Eyes sparkle with curiosity Slim but can easily put on weight later in life Their face is long similar to that of a horse They are a bit clumsy CAPRICORN: Resting bitch face Amazing bone structure High cheekbones Prominent collarbones Sensitive skin Appears uptight and sad AQUARIUS: Dreamy eyes often light in color Attractive profile especially from the side Strong legs Good skin Their voice is calm and pleasing to the ear An air of eccentricity PISCES: Ethereal presence The eyes are soft it’s as if their lost in a whole other world Graceful and soft bodies Charming laugh Lovely smiles Feet are often tiny OR big
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Sa 14. Nov 2015 11:56:50 +0100
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Fr 13. Nov 2015 02:22:56 +0100
[img]http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/233616-2/Baby-elephant-smiles.gif[/img] [img]http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/233707-2/Owl-feather-reaction.gif[/img]
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Do 12. Nov 2015 15:04:52 +0100
Kleine Kuscheltierorgane... :appel :augly
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233 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 10 Seiten