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286 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 12 Seiten
Sa 01. Jan 2005 20:18:25 +0100
mensch mensch hast du schöne augen
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Fr 31. Dez 2004 19:30:44 +0100
Was hast du mir geschrieben?ich hab nix gelesen :gruebel
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Fr 31. Dez 2004 18:50:08 +0100
grummel :umotz ich wünsch dir einen schönen Rutsch ins neue Jahr :kiss
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Fr 31. Dez 2004 18:48:53 +0100
[center] Ich wünsch dir einen schönen Rutsch ins neue Jahr. :kiss
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Fr 31. Dez 2004 18:37:16 +0100
dir auch süßa :flirt :lugly :kiss :sorry :sweet
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Fr 31. Dez 2004 17:05:53 +0100
wünsch dir nen guten rutsch :kiss
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Fr 31. Dez 2004 15:39:05 +0100
wünsch dir nen guten rutsch ins neue jahr :sweet
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Do 30. Dez 2004 18:34:21 +0100
ma en gruss dalass ehemann :kiss
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Do 30. Dez 2004 15:38:00 +0100
mh...was machst denn heut schönes? ich geh noch zu meiner tante. die wird 50 *hrhr* die is bestimmt schon wieder zu wie sau wenn wir kommen :D
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Do 30. Dez 2004 04:02:58 +0100
[color=#FF0000][font=Edwardian Script ITC][size=6][center]Dieses Lied widme isch dir! :lugly :kiss Whisper Catch me as I fall Say you're here and it's all over now Speaking to the atmosphere No one's here and I fall into myself This truth drive me Into madness I know I can stop the pain If I will it all away Don't turn away (Don't give in to the pain) Don't try to hide (Though they're screaming your name) Don't close your eyes (God knows what lies behind them) Don't turn out the light (Never sleep never die) I'm frightened by what I see But somehow I know That there's much more to come Immobilized by my fear And soon to be Blinded by tears I can stop the pain If I will it all away Don't turn away (Don't give in to the pain) Don't try to hide (Though they're screaming your name) Don't close your eyes (God knows what lies behind them) Don't turn out the light (Never sleep never die) Fallen angels at my feet Whispered voices at my ear Death before my eyes Lying next to me I fear She beckons me Shall I give in Upon my end shall I begin Forsaking all I've fallen for I rise to meet the end[/center][/font][/size][/color]
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Do 30. Dez 2004 02:33:29 +0100
hmm irgendwie ham wir ne macke :gaga alle beede :lol^^
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Do 30. Dez 2004 02:29:00 +0100
bei mir gehn die smileys noch nich :(
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Do 30. Dez 2004 02:24:41 +0100
ja genau ;) lol, sinnlos-einträge :)
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Do 30. Dez 2004 02:06:24 +0100
soso ;)
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Do 30. Dez 2004 01:58:24 +0100
....hmm k.a *schulterzucks* :tugly
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Do 30. Dez 2004 01:56:01 +0100
danke ;)
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Do 30. Dez 2004 01:52:03 +0100
du willst n beweis? DA! ILD! :lugly :kiss :sweet
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Do 30. Dez 2004 01:49:07 +0100
mh..hast schöne augen...~gruß~
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Do 30. Dez 2004 01:46:03 +0100
hmmm mir gins bis vor ner woche ungefähr auch noch super....abba naj ^^
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Do 30. Dez 2004 01:38:28 +0100
abba wirklich alles.....alles scheiß hurenfuck bums dings :umotz :kotz :tugly hach mannnn :( bekommsch ne kippe :(
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Do 30. Dez 2004 01:04:15 +0100
hmm...alle scheisse :tugly
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Do 30. Dez 2004 00:36:00 +0100
danke schadz :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss :lugly :kiss
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Mi 29. Dez 2004 23:45:52 +0100
wenn ich mal so sagen darf bist echt süß :-) . so wollte nur mal schreiben hrhr
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Mi 29. Dez 2004 15:17:59 +0100
:lol jup konnt ich mir denken.... wahahaha ....^^.........will nis das sie eifersüchtig ist ...
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Mi 29. Dez 2004 15:14:18 +0100
*liebz* *liebz* *liebz* *liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz**liebz* :kiss :lugly :flirt Das Jasmün :sweet
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286 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 12 Seiten