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[weiblich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Goetterdaemmerung ist heute hingefallen auf arbeit
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00:10:30 [neutrum] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Allergic : Selbst ich Sherlock werde da glatt neidisch.
00:10:41 [neutrum] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Allergic : Und muss mich mit Absinth von Ebay betrinken.
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01:19:35 [neutrum] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Allergic : "Doku: Der weibliche Orgasmus". Ja, genau sowas will ich natürlich NICHT sehen.
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19:43:32 [männlich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Kindstod : VERDAMMT!
19:43:44 [männlich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Kindstod : 0,2 liter wodka verschüttet
19:43:48 [männlich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Kindstod : einfach so
19:44:08 [männlich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Kindstod : Und die Kinder in Afrika haben nix zu trinken!
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RIP Matti...
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von [neutrum] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Allergic : Klingt wie 'ne angefahrene Katze mit Kehlkopfenzündung, die von einem 70 jährigen Opa sexuell belästigt wurde.
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18:42:16 [neutrum] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Allergic : Erst war's ".", womit sie Probleme hatte, nun ist es offensichtlich ";".
18:42:19 [neutrum] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Allergic : Tag, Illu.
18:42:27 [weiblich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] -illuminate- : tach wichser -.-
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von [neutrum] [Kein Profilfoto] [Chatter] 7samok9 : na willst du mich nicht auch noch was vertig machen weil ich legasteniker bin
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von [neutrum] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Allergic : Die Beschuldigte wird zu einer lebenslangen Haft ohne Aussicht auf Bewährung in einem finstren Keller verdonnert, wo sie jeden Tag kräftig auffe 13 bekommen wird. Joa.
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#853555 +(2907)- [X]
<Taki> I swear I just took a dump with well defined anatomical features
<Taki> a long smooth tail and a bunch of little hardened pellets making up a complex head
<Taki> I didn't want to flush it, it's probably the closest thing I'll have to a son
<bryant> I think in the 3 days I've seen you in this channel you've done a better job keeping me in school and off drugs than every authority figure I've met in my entire life.
<Taki> I do what I can
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von [weiblich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] -illuminate- : du bist nix als n dämliches dummes arschloch!
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Und der Wagen fuhr im Trabe
Rückwärts einen Berg hinauf.
Droben zog ein alter Rabe
Grade eine Turmuhr auf.
Ringsumher herrscht tiefes Schweigen
Und mit fürchterlichem Krach
Spielen in des Grases Zweigen
Zwei Kamele lautlos Schach.
Und auf einer roten Bank,
Die blau angestrichen war
Saß ein blondgelockter Jüngling
Mit kohlrabenschwarzem Haar.
Neben ihm 'ne alte Schachtel,
Zählte kaum erst sechzehn Jahr,
Und sie aß ein Butterbrot,
Das mit Schmalz bestrichen war.
Oben auf dem Apfelbaume,
Der sehr süße Birnen trug,
Hing des Frühlings letzte Pflaume
Und an Nüssen noch genug.
Von der regennassen Straße
Wirbelte der Staub empor.
Und ein Junge bei der Hitze
Mächtig an den Ohren fror.
Beide Hände in den Taschen
Hielt er sich die Augen zu.
Denn er konnte nicht ertragen,
Wie nach Veilchen roch die Kuh.
Und zwei Fische liefen munter
Durch das blaue Kornfeld hin.
Endlich ging die Sonne unter
Und der graue Tag erschien.
Dies Gedicht schrieb Wolfgang Goethe
Abends in der Morgenröte,
Als er auf dem Nachttopf saß
Und seine Morgenzeitung las.
Verfasser unbekannt
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[center]Die Katze ist ein freier Mitarbeiter, der Hund ist ein Angestellter.
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20:27:39 [neutrum] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] XXX : Ich mein nur, ich kennen vieler solcher .. geschichten.. ein freund von einem freund hat ihm mal erzählt, dass sie eine freundin überraschen wollten an ihrem geb. Versteckten sich in ihrem Zimmer [Eltern haben sie reingelassen]. Sie kommt rein, geht wieder raus, kommt wieder mit Schmierwurst, zieht sich aus, schmiert sich die Wurst zwischen ihre Beine und ruft ihrem Hund.
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an [weiblich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Immortalexia : DU bist nur ein "kleiner tümmler"
an [weiblich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Immortalexia : der gc potwal war interleukin
von [weiblich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Immortalexia : ick tümmel dir glei eene
an [weiblich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Immortalexia : :ablach
von [weiblich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Immortalexia : interleukin? is dat nich scarabae?
an [weiblich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] Immortalexia : nein, scara is dat nich
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[color=#9b0c0c]Misogyny Chapter 2:
Each woman is a weapon, able to destroy mind of every
man in the world. Each of them are able to use their body
for sexual blackmail to have what they need.
Because every woman is possessed by a saucy egoism
and you can't do anything against it. She is indeed able to
forgive only when she needs to act accordning to her "good side" or
when she believes to owe something to someone. The woman
is clever but just a piece of felsh, nothing else.
Misogyny is a spiritual shield able to protect mind from destruction.
To don't be so idiotic to believe what girls tell,
generally. To don't be so stupid to say something like 'For sure only
from women can come the "good news'"
Time passes slowly, while waiting for them. Or maybe i have also to
"thank" them to have ruined my existence since years?
But i have to thank them to haveing contributed in sone way to
dehumanize myself, making in way that natural human sensitiveness
had to be faded to don't be completely destroyed. A slow and painful
procedure that makes in way that you have to learn to smile at others
while your soul is torn by the sorrow of the life in a merciless way.
Or at least try to laugh when each woman tries to convince you
"she is not easy" but then walking around in way to show
her body in the more sensual way.
A life spend for love means just to wait years for the "first love"
and to find out afterwards that its going to be an illusion
or at worst the greatest delusion of your existance. Love doesn't
exist and someone would be albe to even call "love" the first
sexual act with a girl he is almost "raping" just before she is able
to rape his mind.
Dont believe when she tells you that you won't ever be happy if
you think in a negative way. I reallity happiness doesn't exist
at all so it's the same if you think in a positive or negative way.
Life is full of illusions, and only idiots always laugh.
Because when you are in her hands you are fucked so much that
you only wish to tear your own veins to stop to feel pain. Who has
told that slavery doesnt exist anymore? Women are able to destroy
men just making them dream bout their body and scent.
A woman telling you that "she feels sad if you are sad" is just a
way she uses to express her feelings that you are her personal
dog and that therefore you have to try to make her happy, also if
you are so sad that you wish to kill yourself.
Because each female needs something from you for herself, and
she is not going to do anything for you.
Because she is only able to lie, telling you craps such as
"Oh, i am not that kind of woman" or "i shouldn't act in this way"
while after a while you realize how clever the female is able to hide
her true nature behind lies and hypocrisy.
Don't believe her while she tries to convince you that friendship
and love are the same, just a pathetic attemmpt.
On the contrary, be friendship damned by all means while they
try to convince you that they are the same, but she prefers to
have someone (better) else when needs sexual intercourse rather
than "friendship" with someone else.
Hypocrisy again when she tells you to be your friend because
nobody can be friend of someone else when he or she really like the
other one. Be love damned forever to spread further pain on an
existence already painfull enough.
Women always take from you much more that what you can take
from them. And maybe they are also albe to make you think "how
much is generous by her" after that your woman, again, found a way
to have what she needed, while giving you in replacement nothing.
That is what there is really in her empty soul, rotten as the older of
the corpses, but a corpse whose skin and scent you continue to
worship, unfortunely. Because you will be deceived again and again
and again, without end. Because your mind is raped by her beauty.
And she knows what to say and what to do. Always in the right time.
As she tells you that she "she doesn't want it end here" maybe its so
just because she thinks that it's better for her own profit
making in way your suffering can last longer (after all it's your life,
not hers to be destroyed). and isn't it "wonderful" to see
how all girls are so "understanding", how "they always try to don't make problems",
"their altruistic nature" and their "happiness to live"?
With the only problem that they use these great "values" at their own
profit, twisting them at own convenience. Why do the need
someone of "more mature" as if some years can make a difference?
Maybe because they need more money?
And when they have been able to have what they needed they always
use the same technique. At the beginning they speak without end to
make you your mind confused (or to make you feel happy "seeing how
much she's nice and kind) then they speak you less and less
til silence by their side is complete. And silence by a girl is similar to the
cold void of death. and you become to die inside,
becoming a living corpse. And you stop all speak at all to everyone else
because you feel to have nothing to tell anymore.
Indifference is contagious, and it's the key of knowledge to understand
why some "people" are so sick by life.
They don't think bout anything anymore because thinking is painful so.
Love can become hate and you feel how much is better to heal your
spiritual wounds created by "lovely women" hating what once you loved
rather than continue to suffer for a love that doesn't exist anymore or
that had never existed. And women are sometimes even able to
show you your true weakness when you realize how you aren't able to
hate the "woman of your dreams" to get rid of her. When love
(or desire) is obsession you have to free yourself from its demons.
Suffering without end for love thinking that showning your pain to
your favorite (female) piece of flesh can be useful to have her
(back or for the first time) is the more laugheble thing in the world.
Do you really think that they would care at all? Even one's suicide
wouldn't be able to "touch" the heart of a female. Maybe she would
be worried to have lost someone to exploit but nothing more.
She can find someone else, world is not that small. Females are selfish,
in some cases even more than males so "help yourself" and don't
create in yourself too many illusions in a life in which "dream of love" is
always destinated to become slowly a nightmare. Because love isn't
eternal, differently from hate, but similar to the body of the woman.
At the beginning you worship both of them, but as years pass by, you
realize quickly that both become corpses, dying slowly as everythning else.
Rotting and becoming something different.
Love too much and you will be despised for eternity by them. Because
girls hate persons that lose themselves in love, although
they claim to worship "love". They like to have men worshipping them
and doing anything for them as little dogs but when they are tired by them,
they simply dismiss these kind of "men". It doesn't matter what you
want or would like to do for them, final result wont change.
Because the secret, if you realy need to stay with a woman, is simply
to never be in love with her. So whatever happens it's fine for you.
Amazingly they like to be treated sometimes in a bad way, and then
may be console or reassured. Is the pain that the inflict to men the
logical sadistic fruit of their sadomasochistic nature, wishing to suffer
for the love but then willing to inflict pain for sadistic pleasure
to others? Indeed thy like playing with you and feelings as well as insticts.
Just another pain they use to destroy you. "Sounds good" is the
kind of feeling they try to put you inside heart of men in way that they
poisoned by scent of their flesh. To become puppets. And after they
have used you they could said something as "sorry to hurt you" that is
the greatest lie because they care only bout themselves.
And you are branded by pain as if on your soul there is the mark that its
used on animals. And you marked by fire
of the pain again, and again. While your "love" laughs at you with her friends.
And then you find out that the more beautiful smile she has
done towards you has been made when she told you that its over and that
now you'll never met her again. "Take care. Bye"
Because she always despises or hate you for how you really are.
And sometimes she "help" you to hate her more and more so that she can be
sure you won't bother her anymore. But of course they use this to make in way
"you won't suffer anymore" while all that she prefers, is,
just dedicated herself more quickly to someone she likes more.
Ohne Genehmigung entnommen:
FMOH hatezine No. 5
© Thundra
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[center]Wie einst Jürgen Klinsmann, der vor Jahren nach einer Auswechslung frustriert eine Werbetonne eintrat, ärgerte sich Campino über das Champions League-Aus seines zweiten Lieblingsvereins FC Liverpool dermaßen, dass er mit dem Vollspann gegen eine öffentliche Mülltonne ausholte - und am einbetonierten Stahlrahmen scheiterte.
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[URL=]Batman & Robin - Die Bombe[/URL]
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[center][color=#2b2828]Love You to Death
In her place one hundred candles burning
As salty sweat drips from her breast
Her hips move and I can feel what they're saying, swaying
They say the beast inside of me's gonna get ya, get ya, get...
Black lipstick stains on her glass of red wine
I am your servant, may I light your cigarette?
Those lips smooth, yeah I can feel what you're saying, praying
They say the beast inside of me is gonna get ya, get ya, get...
I beg to serve, your wish is my law
Now close those eyes, and let me love you to death
Shall I prove that I mean what I'm saying, begging
I say the beast inside of me is gonna get ya, get ya, get...
Let me love you to
Let me love you to death
Hey am I good enough for you?
Hey am I good enough for you?
Am I?
Am I?
Am I good enough
For you?
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