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Sa 27. Okt 2007 19:07:06 +0200
argh. nö. womit hat das zu tun?
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Di 17. Jul 2007 00:21:51 +0200
Sehr schade eigentlich, dass man von Dir nichts mehr hört. Falls Du doch beizeiten mal hier hinein schauen solltest, dann gib mir doch mal Deine E-Mail-Adresse.
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Do 27. Apr 2006 23:05:53 +0200
[small][color=#785889] [center] [img]http://home.arcor.de/lizlana/stockholm2.jpg[/img] [/center] [/small][/color]
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Do 27. Apr 2006 23:05:38 +0200
[small][color=#785889] [center] [img]http://home.arcor.de/lizlana/stockholm1.jpg[/img] [/center] [/small][/color]
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Mo 06. Mär 2006 14:00:16 +0100
[small][color=#785889] [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlBS3PmPfaI[/url] [img]http://home.pages.at/lizlana/gif/heart-purple.gif[/img] [/small][/color]
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Mo 06. Mär 2006 13:37:10 +0100
[small][color=#785889] MORE GODARD LESS GOD [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJZaRAa-qsM[/url] [/small][/color]
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Mo 06. Mär 2006 13:20:35 +0100
[small][color=#785889] [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJBfkvG93uU[/url] erkennen Sie's? [/small][/color]
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Mo 06. Mär 2006 13:13:22 +0100
[small][color=#785889] [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZSWv90msTUc[/url] huh, scary! sehr geil. die omma.. hihi. [/small][/color]
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Mo 06. Mär 2006 13:06:23 +0100
[small][color=#785889] [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vor65mNB8Uk[/url] "This is one outright awesome commercial. It has absolutely nothing to do with the product, it makes no sense and it's backwards. Bravo, David Lynch." [img]http://home.pages.at/lizlana/gif/hihi.gif[/img] hrhrhr! [/small][/color]
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Mo 06. Mär 2006 13:04:44 +0100
[small][color=#785889][img]http://home.pages.at/lizlana/gif/heart-purple.gif[/img] [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=-duTWI1wb9Y[/url] lynch describes the weather on valentine's day 2006 :chong [/small][/color]
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Mo 06. Mär 2006 12:44:27 +0100
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Do 02. Mär 2006 20:54:19 +0100
[img]http://www.imgload.org/host/1141328981/schnoed.jpg[/img] immer dieselbe leiher.
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Mi 01. Mär 2006 14:02:42 +0100
[small][color=#785889][font=courier new] JERRY moves to the bunk bed and climbs to the top bunk by using the lower bunk bed as a foot ladder. JERRY lies on his side. JERRY Do you remember our first room Ben? Me on the top bunk and you on the bottom bunk ... and Louise Dombrowski dancing on the hook rug with a flashlight. BEN starts to smile as he recalls that memory. CUT TO: INT. BEN & JERRY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT MUSIC: HOOK RUG DANCE We view a STILTED SLOW MOTION scene. Light streams in from the open doorway as LOUISE DOMBROWSKI, a young girl, steps inside the dark bedroom. Holding a flashlight, LOUSIE, wearing a skirted dress and no shoes, starts to sway and swing the flashlight around as she dances on a hook rug in the middle of the room. A young BENJAMIN HORNE sits on the floor next to the bunk bed where a young JERRY HORNE is laying, on his stomach, as they watch her dance. As the flashlight passes the faces of BEN and JERRY, who are both wearing glasses, they smile brightly as LOUSIE sways and moves to the music. CUT TO: INT. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CELL BLOCK - DAY BEN and JERRY both smile and chuckle at the happy childhood memory. JERRY Lord, what's become of us? MUSIC ENDS: HOOK RUG DANCE [/small][/color][/font]
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Di 21. Feb 2006 10:57:51 +0100
[center] [img]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/bleachedandtorn/6016647di9sh.jpg[/img] [/center]
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Di 07. Feb 2006 08:42:27 +0100
[small][color=#785889] aus dem ältesten noch existierenden und auffindbaren dokument {märz/april 'o4}. ..und: [img]http://home.arcor.de/lizlana/bambi.JPG[/img] [/small][/color]
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Fr 13. Jan 2006 02:48:31 +0100
[small][color=#785889] ferner: frische, famos farbenfrohe fußfutterale. [/small][/color]
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Fr 13. Jan 2006 01:34:04 +0100
[small][color=#785889] übrigens: es sind futterale! [/small][/color]
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Di 03. Jan 2006 02:26:11 +0100
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Sa 31. Dez 2005 12:06:11 +0100
[color=#785889][small]Ihnen auch ein heitres, himmlisches, märchenhaftes, geliertes, spontanes, großzügiges, warmes, feuchtfröhliches, bergiges, weiches, kompetentes, scharfsinniges, wundersames und -um es in einem wort zu sagen- bestes jahr[/small][/color] [center] [color=#785889][size=7][font=vivaldi]'06 .[/size][/font][/color] [img]http://www.edenportal.de/DigiChat/DigiClasses/Resources/crazy/emoticons/sekt.gif[/img] [img]http://www.edenportal.de/DigiChat/DigiClasses/Resources/crazy/emoticons/sekt.gif[/img] [/center] [color=#785889][small] zählende grüße, die liz.[/small][/color]
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Mo 26. Dez 2005 22:26:28 +0100
[img]http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/16_5_26.gif[/img] up and down
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Fr 23. Dez 2005 05:26:27 +0100
[center] [img]http://home.arcor.de/lizlana/keeporder.gif[/img] [/center] [small][color=#785889] das wird schon werden. bisbaldige grüße, die liz. [/small][/color]
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Di 20. Dez 2005 15:31:50 +0100
[center] [url]http://ifun.ru/content/s/Su2lG8Cot4.jpg[/url] [/center]
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Mi 14. Dez 2005 17:10:30 +0100
Hey! Wie war dein Auslandstrip?
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Di 13. Dez 2005 15:53:10 +0100
Mich mal indie Höhle des Löwen begeb..... Hmm....ein GB-Eintrag von dir! Wie komm ich denn zu der Ehre?! aber naja ich will mal nicht so sein und dir au einen Nikolausi schicken! Nikolausi ^^ [img]http://www.udoschlag.de/nikolaus.jpg[/img]
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Mo 12. Dez 2005 20:21:55 +0100
Guten Abend! Na, ich chatte halt selten, aber wenn, dann richtig :) Mag keine Unterhaltungen, bei denen nach 10 Sätzen die Worte ausgehen! Viele Grüße
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117 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 5 Seiten