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139 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 6 Seiten
Di 24. Feb 2009 22:57:17 +0100
Ha! Ho! Hab ich dich!!!! Hey wie gehts dir? Erkennst du mich noch? Irgendwie.. weiß ich nicht wieso der Kontakt abbrach :tugly finds schade!!! Liebe Grüße Ela
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So 20. Mai 2007 19:37:39 +0200
Nanu, es lebt. Hatte damals gar nicht mehr mit einer Antwort gerechnet. :baltha Also das ist 'n süßes, schnuggeliges Foddo, es muss natürlich frei gegeben sein zur uneingeschränkten Nutzung, also auch außerhalb der Wikipedia, denn alles in Wikipedia ist frei und kostenlos und für jedermann verfügbar. Wenn du es nur für die Wikipedia freigibst, löschen die das dort wieder und allet war umsonst. :weee Du musst also schreiben: Ich, Gedankenspiel, Hüterin des traditionellen Gothpunk und erbitterte Gegnerin aller Blutengel-Zahnspangenteenies, gebe dieses Foddo zur uneingeschränkten Nutzung frei, auf dass die Kinnladen sämtlicher Betrachter nach unten kippen und die Männerwelt nachts kein Auge mehr zukriegt. :kasperl Btw: Hast du das auch in groß? :zuck
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Di 15. Mai 2007 16:26:34 +0200
Gut gut, und selbst? Lange her,ich weiß! ;)
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Do 15. Feb 2007 20:22:19 +0100
oh ja... *lach* bin aber auch sau selten online hier, kannst dich ja mal melden wenn du hier in essen was startest... lieben gruß
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Di 26. Dez 2006 08:30:07 +0100
oh aus essen... dann biste ja sicher auch immer auf der pagan love song party im fall?
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Fr 15. Dez 2006 11:26:54 +0100
[i]huhu gerade wieder in der heimat angekommen *heul* ich will zurück in die staaten und nach hawaii :cry mistwetter hier verdammtes
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Fr 08. Sep 2006 14:06:35 +0200
Hallo! Magst du dein Bild nicht gerne zur uneingeschränkten Nutzung und damit für die Wikipedia freigeben? Der Gothic-Artikel dort ist mächtig blass und könnte Fotos in der Art wie deines gut gebrauchen, zumal das nicht gerade schlecht getroffen ist. ;-) Wichtig ist, dass es für jedermann frei ist, da Wikipedia eine freie Enzyklopädie ist und das Material dort für jeden zugänglich sein muss. Sonst muss das Foto leider wieder entfernt werden. Überleg's dir. Besten Gruß.
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Sa 02. Sep 2006 17:21:21 +0200
[i][center]The Fuck List *continue it* 1. Fuck Heartbreakers 2. Fuck hmm....idk 3. fuck CHEATERS 4. Fuck the IRS 5. Fuck the gas prices 6. Fuck the Colorado Avalanche 7. Fuck T.O. 8. Fuck the police 9. FUCK EVERYTHING 10.Fuck Finals 11.Fuck Starbucks 12.Fuck Haters 13. Fuck all the GUYS who cheat wit friends... :-( 14. Fuck all the girls who think guys don't know what love is!!! 15. Oh yea!!! Fuck Girls!!!! Hard!!!!LOL Sorry I had to!!!! 16. Fuck Liars 17. Fuck people who talk during the movie 18. Fuck stupid people who breed. 19. Fuck me why cant i catch a break? 20. Fuck friends who arent really there for you 21. Fuck people who don't know how to drive!!!!!!!! 22. Fuck Mondays! 23. Fuck Bush! he he ya!!! 24. Fuck the dumb shit! 25. Fuck foreign objects haha 26. Fuck gas prices 27. Fuck bad health. P.S. GOOD CALL ..17 28. Fuck Bitches who think the world revolves around them and only them!!!!! 29.Fuck the bitches that are at wamsutta 30. FUCK the Yankees =] 31.FUCH THIS WAR..BUSH..AND EVERYONE IF U DONT BELIEVE MEH-RISSA 32.fuck conceded bitches 33.fuck school 34.Fuck the Red Socks(FOR ALL U PPL THAT LIKE THE RED SOXS FUCK ALL OF U BITCHES!!!) 35.FUCK DEM FUCKIN HATAZ!!!!!!BRUSH DEM NIGGAZ OFF 36.fuck you 37. FUCK VINNYYYYYY!!! and everything thing we had together 38. Fuck the Yankees!!! 39. Fuck your mom 40. fuck good charlotte! they can suck it 41. Fuck,FUCK 42. FUCK BRANDON- BECAUSE HES A WORTHLESS FUCKING ASSHOLE. 43. FUCK someone. relieve some stress =) 44. FUCK liars 45. FUCK me? I mean, why not? ;-) 46. FUCK police,FUCK the law,and the government 47. FUCK AGE LIMITS!!! 48. Fuck my piece of shit van! 49. FUCK Bush! ..yeah (and jeanne's piece of shit van- which i love, by the way. lol) 50.FUCK People Who cause DRAMA 51. Fuck death 52. Fuck careing about your weight. 53.fuck guys that tell you your freinds hot when you like them 54.Fuck rap and school! 55.Fuck tough love 56.fuck indians 57. fuck green gummy bears! [nice call, 4] 58. FucK daA haTaz!1 mothAfuck niGGas for LiFe KnuCkin aNd bUckin sInce 1992-AlI- 59. FUCK 4LL D3M CR4CK4Z, Y4 H3ARDDDDD!!111 - Al 60. Fuck Nick. 61. FUCK HAN SOL! 62. FUCK People Who 4llWaY$ T4Lk L!k3 D!$ 64. Fuck Darkness (..61 honors me ~) 65. FUCK RACISTS 67. Fuck me and fuck you! 68. Fuck Pop punk!!! 69. Fuck this fucking word FUCK. lol jk... 70:Fuck so called friends who don't give a damn about you! 71. fuck you you fucking fucks 72.Fuck life 73. Fuck boys who break your heart and don't give a damn. :p 74.FUCK [guys name here] 75. FUCK HANGOVERS 76. Fuck the government 77.fuck lewis hahah 78. Fuck Rap 79. Fuck Not Knowing What To Add To The Fuck List!!!!! 80. Fuck Hillary being herself. lol ily. and i agree with Kaitlin. fuck you lew. lol 90. Fuck The Free World 91. FUCK BACKSTABBERS 92. fuck global warming adn ppl not having homes and the us not giving a shit about countries that are fighting ot live nad have food 93. FUCK the laws 94.Fuck Guys 95. fuck guys who lie and who ditch you .. twice inna row. =) 96. fuck stupid fat whores! 97. fuck being separated from the people you loved 98. Fuck anyone who hates my new lip piercing cause I love it! 99. Fuck shitfaces and people who don't talk 100. Fuck your grandma. 101. Fuck your grandpap 102. FUCK THE POLICE! 103. FUCK HILLARY CLINTON, FUCK CINDY SHEEHAN, FUCK MICHAEL MOORE, FUCK THE WHOLE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!ERRRR 104. FUCK THE WORLD! 105. Fuck yo couch nigga 106. FUCK ALL YOU COMPLAINERS....DAMN SHUT THE FUCK UP!! 107.Fuck People not leting you be yourself and always judgeing u...FUCK YOU 108.fuck being bored 109. FUCK YOU NIGGA! (: 110. FUCK all the guys out there who dont know how to treat a girl. 111. FUCK yo couch, NIGGA! 112.FUCK NOT KNOWIN WAT 2 ADD DO THIS DAM FUK LIST!..SHYT 113. FUCK SHOES!!! (who else but sakina!!) 114. FUCK YOU!!!!!!! 115. FUCK UR MOM!!!!!!! 116. FUK U AND TH3N UR B0YFR3ND =] 117. FUK ALL GUYS WHO THINK THEY ARE MEN BUT ARE TOO CHILDISH TO JUST SAY SORRY! 118.Fuck all one hundred and seventeen of you fucks! 119. FUCK FLORIDA!!!! FUCK THE WAR...FUCK BUSH...FUCK CHENNY...FUCK IT ALL!!!!! 120. FUCK PEOPLE THAT CANT SPEAK ENGLISH IN OUR COUNTRY. 121.FUCK THE PEOPLE THAT GET AWAY WITH RAPE AND MURDER! 122. FUCK PEOPLE THAT CANT DRIVE 123. FUCK MEN THAT WANT A PRE-NUP 124. FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK 125. FUCK ALL THE OLD PEOPLE IN FUCKING CITRUS COUNTY! 126. fuck the army for making long distance relationships suck ass 127. fuck my lamp. just because i have nothing else to fuck. 128. FUCKADASHIT 129. Fuck me in the goat ass!!!!!!! 130. Fuck Edge 131. Fuck the marine corps. its a good thing but its makin my brother over in iraq 132. Fuck the boys that say shit just to get ass!!! ((bastards)) 133. Fuck pain of any kind 134. fuck me 135.FUCK SOCCER 136.FUCK crappy hair dye. 137.fuck this stupid shit list thing 138.fuck bitchez and get high 139.fuck guys that kiss yer bestfriend behing yer bak and lie about it and then never being able to trust any1 anymore!! 140. Fuck ur couch nigga!!fuck ur couch!!! im rick james bitch!! 141. Fuck girls that change their fucking crushes every single fucking day!!!!! 42.Fuck u all 143. Fuck People who take to damn long to call someone! 144.Fuck bitch ass niggas, and fuck bitches!!! Get Money!!! 145.FUCK SHIT GODDAMN 146.fuck stupid niggers 147.Fuck child support 148.fuck the fucking fuckers 150. ....fuck the number 149.... 151. Fuck a DUCK!! 152. Fuck banks! 153. F*cking STRESS, when its not one things its the other..UGHH 154. FUCK MEN N THEIR STUPID BULLSHIT... STOP PLAYIN FUCKIN GAMES!!!!!! 155.FUCK PPL WHO TAKE MY KINDNESS AS A WEAKNESS, AND THOSE WHO TAKE ME FOR A FOOL. 156. FUCK this job! 157. Fuck people who make false promises 158. <<>> 159. FUCK TERRACE AVE. AND THE HEIGHTS!!!!! 160. FUCK DA MONSTER, FUCK TEENAGE PARENTHOOD, FUCK UR LIFE, FUCK PUSSY NIGGAZ, FUCK ANY1 ISNT DEAD BROKE RECORDZ OR NRR, AN I FUCKED EVERY GOOD LOOKIN GIRL ON DIS LIST(DEAD BROKE CEO:IM DA BOSS BITCHES) 161. I 4GOT 1: FUCK U IF U AINT REPIN DA STEAD 162. FUCK EVERY NIGGA I MESSED WIT!!!!!!!!!! 163. FuCK Rainy days and people who forget birthdays! 164. FUCK you. you bitch ass motha FUCKer. 165.FUCK MY FUCKIN HATERS N I HOPE U CHOKE ON A DICK 166.Fuck Osama 167. FUCK UGLY NIGGASZ ~ASHLEY~ 168. FUCK idiots lol 169. FUCK you and your mother 170. FUCK this list 171. FUCK tranist 172.FUCK JALEESA aka J-LEE 173. FUCK pusy ass niggas n internet thugs. 174. FUCK the goverment and the Man for tryna control us , man!!! 175. Fuck stOOpid nOObs! 176. fuck the government fuck the war fuck the stupid bush for giving away important jobs fuck schwarzenneger (whatever his name is( fuck the stupid H5N1 fuck love fuck life 177. Fuck the corrupted world 178.fuck all presidents 179.fuck bees 180.fuck people who want to die....because they dont realize how much it hurts the people who care about them..... 181. Fuck nasty vegitables that are....nasty! 182. Fuck love. it's fucking useless for me now. 183. Fuck I hate my fucking messed up life!!!! 184. FUCK Heartbreakers 185. FUCK ALL FUCKING LIBERAL DEMOCRATS WHO DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT POLOTICS!!!!!! I MEAN REALLY, SHUT THE FUCK UP! 186. FUCK psycho cats who try to kill their owners!!! 187. FUCK EVERYONE 188. FUCK STUPiiD ASS HEART BREAKING MOTHER FUCKiiNG BOYS 189: fuck brocolii 190: fuck racist people. 191) fuck PATRiCK ESTRADA. oneninetwo) fuck you. 193. fuck yo nuts. 194... fuck me CRaaaaaaazeeeeeeeeee 195...FUCK U!!!!!!!!! 196.. Fuck people who can't spell politics correctly. (185) 197. FUCK LOVE..explanation not needed 198. FUCK me if your a fine ass girl 199.fuck work 200. FUCK gun control!!! 201. fuck hemet! 202.fuck this!!...cuz i d.g.a.FUCK!!! HA HA YUP=] 203.Fuck people who hate me cuz i'm happy! 204. Fuck your mother! 205. Fuck 204's mouth and call him Shirley 206. FUCK CLOWNS. 207. Fuck fake bitches 208. fuck tha dumb shit! 209. fuck tha crazy bithes 210. fuck being sober 211. fuckity fuck fuck fuck everything 212 FUCK matt and FUCK guys who will lie and cheat and hurt u then want you back 213.Fuck people that dont want others to be happy..... 214. Fuck being single 215. Fuck makeing people happy 216.FUCK GIVING A DAMN ABOUT WHAT PPL SAY! 217. FUCK the person that i got this from! 218. FUCK your Coach 219:Fuck All Of Your Teachers 220. FUCK Mark Holloway 221.fuck troy and fuck anyone whos cheats 222.FUCK your donut :] 223.Fuck the police 224. Fuck THIS 225.FUCK LIFE 226.Fuck hotties, fuck not being able to date or drive, fuck girls who dress like sluts the get fucking offended when you look at themlike wearing a fuckin tank top without a fuckin bra is a fuckin bulletin to stay the fuck away, and fuck the fucking shit that fucks up my fuckin god damn day 227. f**k me any hott girls out there 228. fuck chapped lips. 229. fuck a DINOSAUR :] 230.Fuck him:p 231.Fuck the one that only thinks of you as a booty call!! 232.Fuck wanting some one and not having them.. 233.Fuck being nice, fuck being 'good', fuck being lonely, fuck long distance relationships, fuck knowing what he does but taking him back anyway, fuck caring about others who dont give a shit about you and never did, fuck the bullshit, fuck the stress, fuck giving a fuck about anything. theres no reason to. 234. f**k anyone that doesn't love GOD!! 235. Fuckk... yo couch nigguhh :P 236. Fuck u all who dont like me 237.Fuck dis List 238. FUCK CHEATERS, LIARS, BACKSTABBERS, FAKES, HOES, AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST HEARTBREAKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!! 239. FUCK THE BiiTCHES DAT TALK SHiiT...FUCK FRiiENDS DAT U CAN'T GET APPRCiiATiiON BACK FROM DEM... 240. FUCK DEM HOEZ, FUCK BUSTAZ, FUCK YOU! 241. GOSH THERE SO MUCH FUCK IN HERE...I GUESS PEOPLE JUST LOVE TO FUCK... WILL YOU KNOW WHAT!!!!!!!ILOVEYOU AND I LOVE THIS FUCK LIST...SO LET JUST FUCK IT...AND MOVE ON TO NUMBER 242... 242. FUCK LIARS! 243. Fuck Those Fucking Fuckers! 244. Fuck all the haterz that talk shit and ruin relationships!! and fuck mr. jenkins... ;) 245.FUck drama queens, two faced bitches, and guys who cant make up thier damn minds about you!!! 246. fuck girls who create lies to save their own asses even if it means someone else's FREEDOM. you know who you are. 247. Fuck people who think you have to be who they want you to be. 248. fuck.......idk......jellybeans...... 249. man there's sooo many....FUCK people who cant keep thier nose outta my business!! 250. fuckin gay ass bulltin 251. FUCK INSOMNIA 252. Fuck cowards. 253. Fuck dodgers 254. fuck the fuckin relationships!!!!!!! 255. Fuck Bambi's mum
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So 25. Jun 2006 11:09:10 +0200
[i]is das ne fangfrage :esmile
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Do 15. Jun 2006 14:59:09 +0200
[i]:augly es würde mir wirklich zu denken geben wenn du lansamer regierst als ich kriechen kann :chong
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So 11. Jun 2006 18:36:09 +0200
[i]schnell vorbeigehuscht :gruebel neee das klingt nich nach mir.... meisst war ich zu betrunken um schnelle bewegungen zu verfolgen geschweigedem sie auszuführn :esmile
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Fr 09. Jun 2006 14:48:19 +0200
[i]ja wir sind hier auch alle totkrank und treffen uns nu noch einmal zum gemeinsamen teetrinken :chong na hättest was gesagt aufm wgt ^^
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Do 08. Jun 2006 16:23:30 +0200
[center][i][img]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/bugfixer/happy3ac.gif[/img] [size=4]*wieder dahoim freu*
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Sa 27. Mai 2006 22:47:56 +0200
[i]du ekelhaftes bösartiges miststügg :cry
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Do 25. Mai 2006 11:07:56 +0200
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Do 04. Mai 2006 21:19:59 +0200
[i] dann klären sie misch auf :para
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Do 04. Mai 2006 18:00:00 +0200
[i]soo... nu hab ich völlig den faden verloren :gruebel
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Mo 17. Apr 2006 20:16:01 +0200
[i]muss isch jetzt sagen... [size=4]ja ich will :esmile ?
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Sa 08. Apr 2006 18:01:55 +0200
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Mi 15. Mär 2006 07:20:44 +0100
Wow, you are really beautiful! :)
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So 12. Mär 2006 20:52:31 +0100
[i][center][size=4]ja :nanu sie wünschen ?
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Do 23. Feb 2006 17:00:18 +0100
[i]jup ich weiss :esmile
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Do 16. Feb 2006 17:55:49 +0100
[i][center]aaaachnööö die müssen jung gedrillt werden sons wird aus denen nie n löwe :esmile
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Do 09. Feb 2006 10:55:50 +0100
[i][center][size=3]heeee.... mach doch nich sowas... :bha isch bin n sehr zartfühliger mensch... sowas geht mir nah und verletzt mich zu tiefst [img]http://www.jardimed.com/cat.gif[/img] [/size][size=1]ok isch schwindel :2bha
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Mi 08. Feb 2006 20:09:46 +0100
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139 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 6 Seiten