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[color=#7B577F][size=3][font=times new roman][center] I wish I was at last an enigma for you! The desires came from a childish mind back from a place where love was the only reason for being. Without any existence of words. Without the existence of frontiers. Let the warm scent of the forest's ground take your breath in this moment in silence. May all your thoughts fade away with the summers heat. And mind will become one with the soft breeze of Zephyrus, carrying sun's dust from a foreign place where your soul is at home. You still stay in the cold night of the trees holding me back afraid of the unknown. So we will stay like this forever... ...will rot into the dark, dank earth as the leaves around us, will do. Let moss cover our bones and let us be buried in oblivion. Songname wird noch gesucht, bin für Vorschläge offen ;)