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27 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 2 Seiten
Di 11. Jul 2006 11:59:33 +0200
danke für die blumen du auch
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Sa 01. Jul 2006 00:49:51 +0200
hi.. how are you?
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Mi 26. Apr 2006 21:19:09 +0200
Jamen når du brokker dig sådan over at jeg snupper den bedste tysker er jeg jo nød til at hjælpe dig med at finde den næstbedste ^^ haha Jah også jeg.. men taler det bare ikke :S kun med ham flagermusetrappen.. nogle gange.. göööh.. ich höre töner.. åååh den storcer (eller hvordan det nu staves) har virkelig givet mig den sang på hjernen >________________________< AAAARGH!!
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Mo 24. Apr 2006 20:01:32 +0200
Maaaadyyyy... hvad med ham flagermusetrappen? (det var lige det bedste jeg kunne for at cencurere hans navn ;P) Lær tysk... pip pip fugl..
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So 23. Apr 2006 12:40:51 +0200
my holidays are endling.. at monday is school time*nooooooooo*
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Sa 22. Apr 2006 20:12:44 +0200
ohhhhhh.. not good.. ok i have too many homework.. english, german, maths, music and physic...*cry*
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Sa 22. Apr 2006 18:39:42 +0200
oh u are from Denmark :P i life on the other side of the eastsee greetings from rostock 2 u ;)
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Sa 22. Apr 2006 18:32:40 +0200
[i]arrgh not again... ok :esmile nothing really interesting... i just say "adventurous hairstyle" =:oP thats all
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Sa 22. Apr 2006 16:42:34 +0200
[i]gewagte frisur ^^
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Sa 22. Apr 2006 00:16:35 +0200
good... i was today on a bithday party... was very cool... and you?
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So 16. Apr 2006 16:34:21 +0200
Thanx :sweet
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Mi 12. Apr 2006 23:18:19 +0200
hey sweety
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So 09. Apr 2006 17:36:54 +0200
hello wonderful woman... How's it going? see you anna
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Sa 01. Apr 2006 00:35:01 +0200
http://www.myspace.com/crass_urs http://www.gothic-chat.de/profile.id.61670.show.profile&session_id=58c75855a6cf554140251896ba04b870
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Fr 17. Mär 2006 12:20:34 +0100
hey baby:) yeah, here i'm. I'm trying to make some friends from germany, before moving there:) see u sweety much kisses sari
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Do 16. Mär 2006 13:25:07 +0100
[center]wow, very cool and sweet pictures :shock :lugly kind greeting
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Mi 15. Mär 2006 19:58:56 +0100
thx ... too
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Mi 15. Mär 2006 18:50:47 +0100
hello! nice style,nice profil :sweet cheers and Oi! Batscher
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Di 14. Mär 2006 18:18:57 +0100
nice profil. :ugly and you're very sweet :para
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Di 14. Mär 2006 17:34:19 +0100
yes.... i am on by vp.... i was friday ist a discothe dark area and Saturday by my boyfriend...
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Di 14. Mär 2006 17:34:18 +0100
yes.... i am on by vp.... i was friday ist a discothe dark area and Saturday by my boyfriend...
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Mo 13. Mär 2006 19:05:29 +0100
pleas.... how was your day?
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Fr 10. Mär 2006 18:22:29 +0100
grünnnnnnnnnnn.. ich sehe grünnnnnnnnnnnn und nen schöne lady
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Fr 10. Mär 2006 16:12:48 +0100
[center][font=comic sans ms][color=#b2d]thanks, I hates this fakes....greet monsters
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Fr 10. Mär 2006 15:00:41 +0100
Anytime my Darling!! I'll always be there to help you and Joey.. vi skal lave vores faker patrulje :D hahaaaaaaaahho... hoho hih..
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27 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 2 Seiten