Allgemein (10)
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[center][font=courier new][color=#AAAAAA]Y0, Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck! May all 0ur base someday belong to you! May j00 0wn earth just like j00 0wn heaven. Give us this day our warez and mp3z thru a phat pipe, and cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz, just as we give n00bz a learnin when they'r lame 2 us. Plz don't let us Own sOme pOOr d00d'z boxes, when we're too pissed off 2 think about what's right and wrong, and if you could keep the man off our backs, we'd appreciate it For j00 0wn all our b0x3n 4ever and ever. 4m3n[/color][/font][/center]