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Allgemein (3)
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*hust* *langweil* *gähn* *schnief* *nochmalgähn*

Allgemein (3)
Rating: 0 (0)

it`s such a cloudy day seems we`ll never see the sun or feel the day is all uncertainty burning in the moment - trapped by the desperation between how it is and how it ought to be... foot upon the stair shoulder to the wheel you can`t tell yourself not to care you can`t tell yourself how to feel

Allgemein (3)
Rating: 0 (0)

hm... dann schreib ich halt was. und was? am besten gar nix weil nix trifft es im moment ganz genau

3 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 1 Seite
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