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Fr 10. Sep 2004 12:11:50 +0200
Oh.. okies :-) Probably I was confused to that end since it's rather rare to meet English people in a German community... have you been to the Egg Club on Fridays previously..?
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Do 09. Sep 2004 22:43:57 +0200
Umm.. are u kidding me?! OK.. so I wrote: Will you be at the Egg next friday? I am totally into that hair extension-thinggy, actually I did plenty fake rasta-outfits for my ex-gf, who is living in London now. I will meet her next Friday for Egg-clubbing + will make her some rastas for the night out at the Egg where to we will go subsequently. On a side note, are you familiar with the Quinnster hair board?! There are many London girls doing crazy stuff with their hair... you should be able to see quite a few pics of fake hair stuff I did for my gf back then.. like rastas, plastic stuff, video-tape-stuff, etc... if you hang out at the Egg next Friday we can have a beer or something + you can get into crazy hair extension-talkies with my ex-girl friend... :-)
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Do 09. Sep 2004 15:48:29 +0200
Hallo.. hab gerade gesehen, daß du in London wohnst... gehst du nächsten Freitag ins Egg, vielleicht läuft man sich ja mal für ein Bierchen über den Weg?! Ich bin übrigens ein großer Fan von den bunten Fake-Hair-Teilen... ich werde am Freitag noch schnell bei meiner Verflossenen reinschauen und ihr ne Ladung bunte Dreads reinknoten, danach geht's in den Egg.. Kennst du das Quinnster hair board? Da kann man wohl einige meiner fake Rasta Experimente sehen, da sind übrigens auch ne ganze Reihe londoner Mädels vertreten.. Gruß Googol
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Di 07. Sep 2004 17:37:32 +0200
Hallo Sweety! :kiss Wollte dir mal wieder einen lieben Gruss hier hinterlassen, haben ja länger nichts mehr voneinander gehört und ich hoffe aber das es Dir gut geht. Ich denke an Dich und hab Dich lieb. :sorry XxBlutengelxX :vamp
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Mo 05. Jul 2004 18:16:11 +0200
Im sorry, I was standing under my shower as you wrote me. I hope we meet us again in the next time..........sorry sorry...:smile king regards PARA
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Do 24. Jun 2004 18:59:38 +0200
Hi DOLLDELERIUM, thankx for your nice words and positive feedback.Thankx:esmile.... please let me know when your page is working I'm very curious of your music.... So don' t let me wait too long, baby go go:smile King regards :paraPARA
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Mo 21. Jun 2004 22:41:49 +0200
Hi there, nice to meet someone from london:esmile... I wanna send you a friendly greet........ ....................I was looking for your homepage, that's nice but the download link doesen't really work, so I can't hear your music :o( Ok..see ya best regards PARA
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Mo 21. Jun 2004 19:43:21 +0200
Mal einen lieben Eintrag in deinem Gästebuch hinterlasse. Du bist wirklich Nett und es macht Spass sich mit dir zu unterhalten. Vielleicht trifft man sich ja auch mal in Aachen,wenn du hier bist würde mich freuen. Ganz lieben gruss! :sorry
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Do 07. Aug 2003 03:36:43 +0200
HELLOOOOOOOOO you remember me??? ^^ :punk
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Do 20. Feb 2003 12:21:05 +0100
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Fr 23. Aug 2002 09:19:32 +0200
Hope u like the pics....*smile* see u soon... hugs... Morbid_death
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Fr 19. Jul 2002 09:12:22 +0200
hi sweetheart ! nice talk on icq yesterday.....hope to meet u in leverkusen.... bloody kisses Morbid
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Do 18. Jul 2002 10:44:21 +0200
na duuuz..hast versucht mich ueber icq zu erreichen?? wusste net wer du bist und kam auch keine antwort.......probiers nochmal......busserl
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Do 18. Jul 2002 10:37:55 +0200
Unfortunately you are not from Munich...would be nice. ^v^ LostBoy
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