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Do 01. Jun 2006 07:40:58 +0200
I'm fond of you. <3
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Di 30. Mai 2006 20:45:51 +0200
[img]http://images.quizilla.com/S/shanachie/1050033718_topmodboys.jpg[/img] * I am => YOU ARE -- So what?! yea ;D hehe
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Di 30. Mai 2006 15:31:54 +0200
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Di 30. Mai 2006 14:56:56 +0200
miss YOU!! too, my baby LOVE **hearts
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Mo 29. Mai 2006 21:37:58 +0200
[size=2]BAABY [color=#945fe4]FUNKY[/color] FUCK FUCK !! [img]http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/buaeaehh.gif[/img]
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Mo 22. Mai 2006 19:50:01 +0200
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Fr 19. Mai 2006 13:48:34 +0200
I wrote her I wrote her and .. she answered she answered!!! such a beauty ;D till this day, baby *lovely
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Fr 19. Mai 2006 12:52:22 +0200
darling, I'm bored to death :( where are youuu? miss you *feel kissed* today I want to buy some new stylish stuff so I have to tell you about in the evening :) yours <3
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Do 18. Mai 2006 19:18:17 +0200
oh my god, you've got the angle :-O
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Do 18. Mai 2006 18:33:32 +0200
sugar sugar! sweet as candy! :)
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