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03:03:20 peaky.blinder : trump wird eine völlig neue art des krieges einführen - er wird kim jong zu tode twittern.

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00:55:22 Flaviviridae : MannyC: Du bist echt zu beneiden, wie Du im Geschlechtsverkehr noch einen motivierenden Handlungsimperativ finden kannst.

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"If we don't believe in FREEDOM of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." - Noam Chomsky

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20:39:59 Vychod : Es is ma afoch wurscht, vastehst? Mia san die Leid afoch sowos von Duddl. Geht's doch olle scheißn herst!

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03:35:06 Megalith : ihre missgelaunte hoheit fiesmiez von quengelkatz begehrte einlass und tribut

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[img]http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/a37YKEr_460s.jpg[/img] :olol

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01:26:35 crystalium : Hoitats eicha blede Goschn und schleichts eich heast :ablach

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Sometimes things don't work out the way you plan Sometimes words don't say the thing you mean Sometimes you can't explain the way you feel Sometimes when we smile we tell the same lie With a whisper everything you know is torn away your life just stops With a whisper everything you are just falls apart and dies And all those things that you meant to change are thoughts lost on the way to this And all those stories you never said are word lost on the wind Could you ever wonder about me and Did you ever wish that I was still there? Did you ever call my name by mistake? Did you ever cry yourself to sleep? Slowly slowly we lose the love that binds us Slowly slowly we lose the care that hold us Slowly slowly we lose time that shares us Slowly slowly we lose the heart to save us Sometimes things are not the way they seem Sometimes friends are not the friends thy seem Sometimes time is not the cure it seems Sometimes love is not the love we dream of

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Paths of hate


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15:56:30 Nəo : "Ist der Salat gespritzt? Nee, dann ess ich den nicht. Oh guck, weißes Pulver von einem Neger in ner dunklen Gasse. Yaaaay!"

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Warni warni


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[Dämonen:] Unser ist dein Leben, weil wir alles sehen, was du tust Unser ist dein Körper, weil dein Geist in uns'ren Fesseln liegt Dein ist nur der Traum von Freiheit, der verkümmert und verdorrt Dein war nur die Hoffnung doch die Hoffnung, scheint es, ist versiegt [Ich:] Und so ist der Weg ans Licht... Wenn man hasst, was einen treibt Wenn man nur als Hülle lebt ...der, dass man nicht länger bleibt :muhaha

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yesterdays were clear, but yesterdays are over (you´ll don´t like it? do you fight it?) we´re hanging in the trees, the fields are burning lower (you´ll don´t like it? do you fight it?) ´cause there´s nothing left to feel, there is something out of reach taking over see those city blinding lights, we are burning in the fields come take my life so far and now so near, control under construction (you´ll don´t like it? do you fight it?) slowly, softly, killed, we are the slaves of the protection (you´ll don´t like it? do you fight it?) ´cause there´s nothing left to fear, there is something out of reach taking over if you see a blinding light, we are burning in the trees come get a life

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Anonymous: Now, I’m sure many of you have encountered little shits in supermarkets. Little kids running about and knocking things over, being rude, walking all over their parents, you know the kind. But the worst are the biters. Yes, those little cunts that feel it is okay to bite you whenever they feel like it. Anonymous: Okay, here’s the best part. A biter got me today when I was grocery stopping. He broke the fucking skin, too. This was when the gears started turning, the moment I saw a tiny sprickle of blood on the little shit’s teeth as he was grinning at me like the little cunt he is. I made my eyes get wide, and started screaming “SHIT! SHIT!.” Now, my good friend, Tom we’ll call him, was there too, and he instantly picked up on it. He started shouting “FUCK! MAYBE HE DIDN’T GET IT! FUCK!.” By now, the kid is scared shitless and starts crying, and instantly, Mizz Mom appears out of nowhere and starts getting pissy at us for yelling at her kid. Anonymous: Here’s the kicker, I look her straight in the eye and say, “Mam, get your son tested as soon as possible, he just bit me and I’m… I’m FUCKING HIV POSITIVE.” Anonymous: And now there is silence. Not a peep in the entire store. The brat knows he just fucked up big time because his mom isn’t defending his ass. She just stares at me wide eyed. I walk away from them, buy my shit from the wide eyed cashier, all the while blood is dripping from my calf, making a nice little trail on the floor. And, just s we leave, we start to hear the mother sobbing. Sobbing like the cunt she is. Anonymous: I have never felt any more satisfaction than the moment I heard that sob. :esmile

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Zitat Vanessa: "Freundschaften siend wie Kerzen. Wenn man sie braucht, zündet man sie einfach an." Hm, ich hoffe, die Kerzen verbrauchen sich nicht allzu schnell.

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Wenn man Musik bloß ficken könnte!

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22:38:20 [männlich] [Profilfoto] [Chatmaster / GothNet] iNeo : Who the fuck is General Failure and what is he doing on my Harddisk?

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"Jeder, der eine Laterne oder Leuchte trägt, ist gezwungen, sein Lichtchen unter dem Mantel zu verbergen, aus Furcht, von den Blinden totgeschlagen zu werden, die ihren Stock erheben, sobald sie hören, um sie her sei Licht." Friedrich Melchior Grimm

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"Zahnstocherfee": Guck mal wer da kommt! Der Waynetrain! Der hat deine Story aufgeladen und fährt mit der so schnell wie möglich zum Whateverrest!

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16:21:18 [männlich] [Profilfoto] [Chatter] FabioStgt : wir werden nie mehr geld verdienen weil das andere schon zigfach für uns ausgegeben haben...

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