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[center][url=http://www.kasper-training.de/tipps_kurioses/Kurioses/Kreisverkehr.htm]Netter Kreisverkehr[/url] :dgaga[center]

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[b][center]The HOW TO BE BRITISH Collection[/center][/b] [b]8.[/b]Speak Slowly My English when I arrived here: Speak slowly, I don´t can good understand My English Now (5000 Pound later): Speak slowly,[b]please[/b], I don´t can good understand! [b]15.[/b]Pubs British Beer or [i]Instant English[/i] 1 pint: No change to your English 2 pints: Your English goes up a level 3 pints: Your English goes up a level (but the grammar disappears) 4 pints: You become very fluent, but start mixing English with your own language 5 pints: You discover you can sing in English, and are brilliant at karaoke 6 pints: You suddenly know lots of taboo words in English (fortunately, no-one seems to understand them) 7: pints: You can´t speak English at all (and also forget your own language) over 7 (DANGER ZONE!): You start speaking American English!

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[center][img]http://people.freenet.de/absentha/charlielondon.JPG[/img] Genau da ! war ich drin! :chong[/center]

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[center][b]Miss Crane-Crutzilla ... is watching you.[/b] [img]http://hometown.aol.de/Absentha/spinni.JPG[/img] ô.ô[/center]

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[center][url]http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/charliechocolatefactory/[/url] :roll[/center]

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