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[center][size=2]ein wundervolles gedichte eines lieben freundes von mir :[br][/size] [size=3][b]Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen[/b][/size][/color] :flirt [b][size=4]Progress[/b][/size] [i]Progress?[/i] When in a year we use the same amount of resources that it took the earth a million years to create. When a few decades from now, we may have destroyed what it took the earth 3000 million years to create. When soil is eroded, forests burned, and rivers polluted. When we produce more food, while more people starve. When ‘wealth’ increases, while more people are made poor. When children, young people, adults, the old, grow up lost and afraid. Unable to speak to each other, unable to dream. [i]What progress? Why?[/i] So that the capitalists can grow wealthy? So that those in the north can have one more car? One more television set? Or do our rulers wish for one more palace or mansion? Is this why we must die? Why you take our lives? And as cities grow, and the earth disappears; As machines become ever more productive, and technology goes, where no one has gone before, Yet we starve, dying of hunger of diseases you have long since forgotten or cured. For yourselves that is. [i]Is this progress?[/i] Do you really expects us to believe that. No. I am sorry. We cannot believe. For your progress, Is our death. [br]