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62 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 3 Seiten
So 04. Jan 2004 14:44:17 +0100
sinister greetings...
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Di 17. Jun 2003 17:09:17 +0200
muhaha?? mftz.. hwat is blue and a horror for evry women??? *a child....and it is "totgeboren"....löl*
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Di 17. Jun 2003 16:33:39 +0200
Hhhmmm, do you have a homepage or a homepage of your bands?
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Mo 16. Jun 2003 17:27:22 +0200
ui i´ve seen ju sing in 2bands??? muhaha TOTGEBOREN.....creatureniss-name...löl what kind is this???*thinkthink* saysaysaysay????
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Mo 16. Jun 2003 17:17:30 +0200
musik??öhm?? i think it is a art of melodic-blackmetal like a mix from DIMMUBORGIR and CRADLE OF FILTH... but we are not so fast....at time...*gg* in the next time,i have a project with the singerin from terminalchoice(constance) and the guitarrrrrwoman fram nick page....we will see ....gg greeetzt
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So 15. Jun 2003 22:59:12 +0200
Hey Hey, if you can read german, then I can send some poems of mine with e-Mail. OK, maybe I will make a little detour from Östersund to Sundsvall :)
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Sa 14. Jun 2003 22:42:09 +0200
Hi You! :) Oh, Sundsvall, I don't expect that it lies on my way to the North Cape. I want to travel through Morastrand and Östersund But nevertheless, maybe I will come to Sundsvall...who knows. What kind of dark poems do you like? I write poems in german language. My friends say, that the poems are a bit too dark sometimes ;=)
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Fr 13. Jun 2003 22:02:32 +0200
Hhhmmm, I meant from which town in Northern Sweden are you coming from? I've never been in the northern parts of sweden, only in the northern parts of Finland and Norway. I will come to the swedish part of Lapland, when I travel to the North Cape on my bike. Then I will come to all parts of Sweden and I really look forward to it :)
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Mi 11. Jun 2003 01:57:16 +0200
hell-o. as i see you enjoy david lynch and his work. favourite movie? (and: heard his music yet? great obscure stuff!) best regards & bye sebastian
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Di 10. Jun 2003 22:47:14 +0200
Hi! Yes, you're right. A picture says more than thousand words, but it is not equal to the "real" person ,=) From where in Sweden do you come from?
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Di 10. Jun 2003 18:16:49 +0200
dominions??? nonono...i/we came to sweden and we will rock jur "dominion" isit not ok-i take my chainsaw and jur "dominion" is or will be an dessert. ;-) gg.no we will came to sweden and want a gig...look under www.tormentor.de greetz nyrgath/raghai (sorry ju see my english is fucking bad...sorry)
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Di 10. Jun 2003 00:30:26 +0200
A real nice face! But what about your character? I mean, it's only a picture. Feel free to write me if you want :)
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Mo 09. Jun 2003 21:13:06 +0200
see u in sweden???
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Mo 09. Jun 2003 14:41:07 +0200
jag var utbytesstudent 98/99, sen dess har jag tyvärr bara varit turist igen...ska dock plugga i sverige om ett år! mmm, norrlandet...där var jag oxå, haparanda ;) jokkmokk, gällivare....verkligen fina skogar där, men lite väl mycket myggor. varför finns du här? här finns ju massor med konstiga tyskar ;)
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So 08. Jun 2003 19:32:48 +0200
hejsan! fint bild, är du verkligen från sverige? pratar du tyska? jag är schweizare men har bott i sverige. ha det så bra! hälsningar från zürich /reto
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So 04. Mai 2003 16:36:42 +0200
HUhu :sweet Du bist wirklich hüpsch:) :smile
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Mi 30. Apr 2003 15:04:11 +0200
mal nen lieben gruß hier lass
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Mi 16. Apr 2003 10:57:22 +0200
hallo sweden,...hoe r ya?
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Fr 14. Mär 2003 11:55:17 +0100
Hell-o! I unfortunately did not get your email, maybe it got lost when I checked my account via Netmail while being on the road... Sounds anyway cool what you tell about new band, best luck for this. CHRIS :evil
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Di 11. Mär 2003 14:43:10 +0100
Hey, haven't heard/read from you for longer. Anyway hope you're fine and the recordings went well. Take care, CHRIS :evil
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Mi 22. Jan 2003 21:52:32 +0100
hmm.....muss ich nun englisch sprechen?...sweden is cool, cause germany in the wintertime really sucks...we ve got no snow here, only cold wind, so be glad to live in sweden...see you the mighty and powerful devihimself
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Mo 20. Jan 2003 02:38:51 +0100
hübsche augen, nur wo gucken die denn hin?
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Do 16. Jan 2003 23:06:14 +0100
Kann nicht klagen...bis auf ne nervige Erkältung. Wie verirrt sich jemand aus Schweden hierher?
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Mi 15. Jan 2003 19:52:38 +0100
sweden? cool! hope to chat to you soon...=)
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Mi 15. Jan 2003 13:18:42 +0100
Hab ich was angestellt? ;)
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62 Einträge gefunden, 25 pro Seite, 3 Seiten