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Do 24. Jun 2004 11:57:10 +0200
:feucht :mosh :slap What an entry haha....must have been done by a great spirit. :lol Hope to CU again soon! CHRIS :cool
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Mi 09. Jun 2004 13:19:36 +0200
You fuckin' rock! :mosh :feucht CHRIS :esmile
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Mi 02. Jun 2004 20:38:53 +0200
Blessed be! Sent you a short email yesterday. :flirt Sorry for not writing exactly at your birthday...forgive me, mighty mistress! :lol :chong Anyway, here is a kiss, better some days too late than never :kiss I survived the trial, will tell you details in a chat or by email. Our new MCD is nearly finished, this weekend we will do the final mastering. :mosh *hugs back* CHRIS :slap
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Mi 19. Mai 2004 18:44:39 +0200
Hell-o Sedusa! Let me know then when the "about" section is online too. Tomorrow we'll enter the studio to record the controversial "blasphemy-mini album". :mosh :esmile The trial of the holy inquisition against me is going to be held next Wednesday (26.05.). I of course will let you know then how things went... I wrote you a short email about MSN. The same to you, have fun and kick ass! :prost CHRIS :cool
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Mo 17. Mai 2004 06:25:02 +0200
Sweet Page...
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Sa 27. Mär 2004 13:44:51 +0100
Salute! I listened to the sample and like most of it, especially the chorals with different of your voices. :mosh So have fun and stay in touch. :prost *hugs back* CHRIS :esmile
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Di 24. Feb 2004 15:35:15 +0100
hi...im fine too...thanks...
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Do 12. Feb 2004 14:23:02 +0100
hello gothic lady:-) wie gehts dir denn?
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Mo 09. Feb 2004 03:23:36 +0100
Would kick ass 666% if we met when you are in Germany! :chong But don't wait tooooo long with your trip as church might have burned me on a stake before otherwise. :lol There is anyway no news/new date on the trial. We are currently in the process of working with the upcoming MCD more intensively, it will be really dark, powerful - and also present some special things people perhaps would not have exspected from us hehe. :mosh Darkest embrace, :flirt CHRIS :esmile
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Fr 06. Feb 2004 15:07:47 +0100
Hey, my flat is great :=) If you come to Hamburg maybe you can see it ^^ I've token the pic on thursday last week. We had so much snow, so I thougt I have to walk a little bit through the cemetery at night. Really a great atmosphere and it is not very often that we have so much snow. Two days later all the snow was melt an we had normal weather: Rain all the time, like now *g* But I enjoyed this night, the cemetery is the biggest in europe and really nice. I think I was the only one on the cemetery this night. I've token some other pics, maybe you're interested in. I think you have some snow for a longer time ;=) Greetings Dalai
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Fr 30. Jan 2004 20:18:12 +0100
nice pic too :)
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Mi 28. Jan 2004 22:47:09 +0100
Hehe, if you understand most of it, the first step is done ;=) How long you lived in Heidelberg? Grammar in german must be really hard, I heard it very often. I can't understand it, but what I'm telling about :=) Greetings Dalai
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Mi 28. Jan 2004 19:29:10 +0100
That's indeed fuckin' cool news. Keep it up! Damn, the new profile pic kicks ass, very delicious! :flirt Frankfurt and Heidelberg are not too far away from my place here, so if you have the chance to get there let me know and we maybe could/should meet. :mosh :prost All the darkest and best, CHRIS :esmile
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Mi 28. Jan 2004 13:59:41 +0100
Na also!Geht doch auch künstlerisch wertvoller! Schöne, gelungene Homage an Dürer!:sweet
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Di 27. Jan 2004 21:38:04 +0100
Hi, that's nice to hear. You're from Heidelberg? How long you lived there? And how good is your german ;=) Do you prefer Sundsvall or Sweden in general to Heidelberg? Beware of the elks :p Dalai
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Di 27. Jan 2004 11:55:21 +0100
Darkest embraces! The trial was delayed but it has nothing to do with the case/incident itself, it was more buerocratic reasons. I do not have a new date so far but of course will keep you updated. What about the CD you mentioned a while ago, the one you are singing one? Shall we do a trade? CHRIS :esmile
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Mi 21. Jan 2004 20:48:10 +0100
Hey, nice news. If you can afford it, maybe you visit Hamburg. That would be great. And maybe I can speak a little bit of my bad english. It's not very good when you only have to speak one language. I'm ok, not so bad like the last times. It's getting better, I get my first own flat in a couple of weeks. Hotel Mama is history ^^ Yes, there are some changes in my life and I'm looking forward to manage it all. And I hope it helps me to find my way. However, I think it is the right step to get up my lazy ass ;=) Greetings Dalai
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Mi 21. Jan 2004 00:29:40 +0100
Hey, you didn't answered me. But it doesn't matter. I just thought a little bit about the people signed my guestbook. Wow, i have 150 message. Do you plan to leave your deep forests of the north to come into these regions any time? Greetings Dalai
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Di 20. Jan 2004 13:35:13 +0100
Aloha! Sure, the x-tian morons are fuckin' cool, great to have such friends. :lol The trial against me is going to be held on 28. January and I of course will let you know how things went. I visited your nice homepage ;-) Damn, there are some really good pics from you, I loved especially pix/7brasvvit, fuckin' hot. :slap :chong Take care and til next time. CHRIS :esmile
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Do 15. Jan 2004 21:22:49 +0100
Blessings! Yes, the Summerbreeze-scandal...ridiculous - but at the end of the day fuckin' good promotion! Next thing is that catholic church sued me because of some pictures and texts on our homepage, on 28. January the trial against me is going to be held. I'll blow them away! :esmile We are playing live in most European countries but in Scandinavia/Sweden we are not so popular and moreover do not have good promoter contacts there, so I fear you have to come to the continent to see Ancient Ceremony on stage. :mosh CHRIS :cool
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Do 08. Jan 2004 00:30:39 +0100
hm, nice pic and a very beautyful homepage....i just miss some...Poets or anything alike.... you're in sweden? please marry me and take me to you... :flirt hm? how's it? greetz Fâr
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Mi 07. Jan 2004 22:11:12 +0100
Hey Lady! I really did not expect a guestbook entry from you after such a long time, so it was even greater to get one! I saw Dimmu several times on stage and already even played with them but to be honest they only performed once really good concerning the musical skill. The light show and dramaturgical presentation is of course fuckin' cool. How about your musical activities? I hope you are successful ;-) CHRIS :slap
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Mi 07. Jan 2004 14:15:23 +0100
That's really pretty comfortable. Here in Hamburg you have to go out and see what's going on. But it's not so bad. OK, it's hard to get up early, but if you need some pressure to do anything (like me) that's the best what could happen ^^ My feeling are present the whole year, so it doesn't make any difference. Sometimes I think I'm irretrievable lost. In summer you can lazy around in the sun or go swimming in a lake or something else, that's better than rain all the time, but I can't feel a real far-reaching difference. Yes, the life is one of the hardest. But after all I didn't lost my cynicism, a little light at the end of the tunnel. I think it is important to laugh cynical when the whole world went away. The only disadvantage is that it only helps for a moment. Greetings Dalai
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Di 06. Jan 2004 19:26:34 +0100
Oh, it could be better. I'm lazing around. Ok, I'm student, but it is really a kind of extremely lazing around since a few months. Yes, there are dark feelings and no motivation at all. To motivate yourself is really hard as a student. And there's no one who kicks me in my lazy ass ^^ But I hope it will be better in March when I'm starting to learn for my examination. An how are you? I hope you're fine and that you're able to manage dealing with the long dark days. Greetings Dalai
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So 04. Jan 2004 21:12:48 +0100
Hey, you're back again :) I wish you a happy new year Greetings Dalai
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